Monday, January 30, 2012

Peace Be With You

Over the course of the year I have been consuming copious amounts of Peace Tea. Me and my roommates actually. Anyways, I got to wondering why I choose Peace Tea over other drinks like Arizona, Monster, Mountain Dew, etc.

Maybe the reason is I'm a broke college student and Peace Teas are only 99 cents. 
Maybe it's the art on the can.
Maybe it's because I'm kind of a hipster and all the other drinks are too mainstream.
Maybe it's because BILL F****** MURRAY
Maybe it's the fact that Razzleberry Tea is absolutely delicious, and I would go so far as to call it a flavorgasm.

It doesn't really matter, because I'm going to keep buying these things until we as a society achieve world peace, and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.

PS. I take all my own pictures unless I say otherwise, so if you want to take a picture from my blog, feel free to comment or email me! Also, here is a link to my Streamzoo account